Pinhole photography had intrigued me for quite some time before I finally decided to build my own camera.
Continue reading “4×5 inch home-built ‘The Lartigue’ pinhole camera”DIY: Cleaning a Canon 1.2/50mm rangefinder lens
On the net you can find all kinds of stories on this lens. Most say its very soft wide open, prone to flare and what else. But most of the time this is merely a side effect from shooting a 50+ year old lens that has gotten hazy inside. Most of these lenses have scratches in the front element coating, which cannot be remedied with this pictorial, but image quality still can be improved a lot by cleaning the lens up.
Wanna see how to get the most out of this lens again? Read on!
Continue reading “DIY: Cleaning a Canon 1.2/50mm rangefinder lens”