Does this lens fit my … camera?

With the modern day new mirrorless cameras like the Fuji X-T2 and the Sony A7-II, there’s great fun in finding less-than-usual lenses in abandoned lens mounts, and adapt them to fit the camera of your choice.

There’s a lot of adapters available for peanut prices if you want to try something exotic and this article lists a lot of options to get your lens and camera connected.

Don’t forget to get a bunch of macro rings to add between camera and lens if that is your thing!

In this article I try to compile a comprehensive guide to adapting lenses to various types and brands of cameras and lens mounts. As you will have found out by now (or you wouldn’t be reading this article), most camera manufacturers used their own, proprietary lens mounts to make sure that once a customer (that means you) bought into a system, they’d be hooked forever.

Over time some lens mounts proved to be outdated and they were abandoned and replaced with others. Some manufacturers even went out of business, leaving their lenses orphaned and their users grappling for a new system to buy in to.

Then, enter the time of DSLRs (Digital SLRs) and nowadays the EVIL (Electronic Viewfinder, Interchangeable Lens) mirrorless cameras, and a lot of companies jumped onto the bandwagon of adapting lenses with uncommon mounts to new cameras.

It’s a mess out there with the above alone, but then there’s also folks who like to cobble up their own ‘adapters’ and fit even less common lenses to their Fuji, Olympus, Panasonic or Sony EVIL cameras.

Read on and you will find some links to your liking, and even a whole table that lists lens register depths so you can calculate just how much space you need to overcome for that old lens to function on your new camera (or, more likely, how little space you have to cram an adapter into…)

In the near future, I will create a visual catalog of lens mounts, that will contain the most seen lens mounts so you can compare them against your unidentified thrift store find ;-).

Don’t forget to bookmark this page, sooner or later you will need it… Press Cmd-D or Ctrl-D to bookmark!

Have a modern mirrorless camera and need to find an adapter to fit your lens? Try FotoDiox Pro.

Novoflex have an Adapter Finder on their page:

For specialist adapter making, visit

The epitome of adaptability are the Tamron Adaptall lenses, which had their own adapters for most big brands of the 1970s and 1980s era: shows you the lenses.

A very extensive article by Robert A. Monaghan on what adapters fit what cameras and how to get almost any lens on any other type body:

Get modern day lenses (mostly SLR lenses) on modern day bodies with stock made lens mounts from For instance, fit your Leica-R lens to a Nikon body with a new rear mount on the lens, no adapter needed!

Want to get into building your own custom adapter? You need to know what distance lenses for different lens mounts register at, i.e. what the distance between lens mount and film or sensor should be. Below is a table that previously was published on a website by mr. J.W. Markerink (fellow Dutchman) but because it went offline I reproduce the table here as I cannot link to it.

Camera mounts & lens registers

CAMERA SYSTEM		MOUNT TYPE			REGISTER  Aaton			bayonet(?)			  40.00 Alpa			bayonet				  37.80 Argus			bayonet				  44.45 Arriflex		bayonet				  52.00  Balda Baldamatic lll					  44.70 Bolex			breech				  23.22 Bolex H8RX		1" x 32tpi thread		  15.31 Braun Colorette  					  44.70 Braun Colorette Super					  44.70 Braun Reflex Automatic					  44.70 Bronica S2A		bayonet & 57x1 thread		 101.70 Bronica ETRS		 Bronica GS1   Compur 00		rear outer: 25x0.5 			front inner: 22.5x0.5 			rear inner:  Compur 0		rear outer: 32.5x0.5 			front inner: 29.5x0.5 			rear inner: 29.5x0.5  Compur 1		rear outer: 39x0.75 			front inner: 40x0.75 			rear inner: 36x0.75  Compur 3		rear outer: 62x0.75 			front inner: 58x0.75 			rear inner: 58x0.75  Compur 5		rear outer: 92x0.75 			front inner: 86x0.75 			rear inner: 86x0.75   C-mount			1" x 32tpi thread		  17.526 (0.69") C-S mount		1" x 32tpi thread		  12.50	 [also known as "1-32 UN 2A"]  Canon EOS		bayonet				  44.00 Canon EX1/2 VL		bayonet				  20.00 Canon R/FL/FD		breech or bayonet		  42.00 Canon screw		M39x1 thread			  28.80 Contarex						  46.00 Contax RF						  34.85		 Contax/Yashica		bayonet				  45.50 Contax G1		bayonet				  29.00  D-mount			0.625" x 32tpi			  12.29  Eclair			bayonet				  48.00 Exakta/Topcon		bayonet				  44.70 Exacta 66		breech lock			  74.10 Edixa Electronica					  44.70 Edixa-Rex		bayonet 			  53.00   Hasselblad/Kiev88	multi start thread		  82.10 Hasselblad 500/2000	bayonet				  74.90  Icarex			breech lock			  48.00 (Icarex 35/35S/SL-706                  			  45.50?) Iloca Electric					  	  44.70   K-mount 		bayonet				  45.46 Kilarflex					 	  92.30 Kilarscope						  78.80 Kiev 60/Kiev Six	breech lock			  74.10 Kiev 88			multi start thread	 	  82.10 Kodak Reflex S 						  44.70 Kodak Reflex lll					  44.70 Kodak Reflex IV						  44.70 Kodak Reflex Instamatic Reflex				  44.70 Kowa Six/Super 66	breech lock			  79.00 Konica AR		bayonet				  40.70 Konica F		bayonet				  40.50 Konica RF Hexar		screw				  27.95  Leica M			bayonet				  27.95 (27.80?) Leica R			bayonet				  47.00 Leica screw		M39x26tpi			  28.80 Leitz Visoflex I	M39x26tpi		 	  62.50  (91.30 total) (both are sometimes mistaken for M39 x 1mm, a tiny difference, but enough to cause problems with some non-Leica M39 lenses) Leitz Visoflex II, III	Leica M bayonet		 	  40.00  (68.80 total)   Mamiya ZE		bayonet				  45.50  Mamiya 645		bayonet				  63.30 Mamiya RB		bayonet				 112.00 Mamiya RZ		bayonet				 105.00  Minolta AF		bayonet				  44.50 Minolta MD		bayonet				  43.50  Miranda dual BM/SM	bayonet/M44x1 thread		  41.50 Miranda TM only SM      M42x1 thread			  41.50 Miranda Laborec -       bayonet/M44x1 thread		  41.50 	dual BM/SM  Mirax Laborec BM/SM	Laborec-bayonet/M46x1 thread	  41.50  (Soligor TM only SM	M42x1 thread			  41.50 (Pallas TM only SM	M42x1 thread			  41.50   Narcissus		M24x1 thread			  28.80 Nikon			bayonet				  46.50 Novoflex						 100.00   Olympus OM		bayonet				  46.00 Olympus Pen F		bayonet				  28.95 Olympus E1		bayonet				  38.67 (38.80?) (adapter for OM lenses seems to require focusing beyond infinity, perhaps 0.13mm error due to film-thickness??) (aka 4/3 or four/thirds)   Panasonic G1		Micro Four Thirds		  19.20 (calculated from a T-mount -> G1 adapter with 35.80mm thickness (register T2 = 55mm; - 35.80 = 19.20)  Paxette			M39x1 thread			  44.00 Pentacon 6		breech lock			  74.10  Pentax 6x7		bayonet 		 	  84.95  (74.10?) Pentax 645		bayonet				  70.87 Pentax/Practica		M42x1 thread			  45.46 (add film thickness, and get 45.50mm....;)) Practica bayonet Practiflex		M40x1 thread			  44.00 (not 45.50 as I wrote initially, see further down this page for more comments)	 Petriflex		breech lock			  43.50 Praktina		breech lock			  50.00   RAS			 Rectaflex						  43.40 Retina lllS						  44.70 Ricoh			breach mount			  45.50 RMS			0.800" x 36tpi thread 	  Rolleiflex SL35		bayonet				  44.60 Rolleiflex SL66		bayonet				 102.80   Rollei 6008						  75.32 Rollei 6008 	           shutter-adapter	M39x0.75			  31.68 Rollei 6008 bellows					 +67.00 (minimum extension; add both bellows and shutter-adapter and you get 174.00mm minimum)	   Samsung NX10		bayonet				  25.50   Schneider		M26x0.5			   Sigma SA		bayonet				  44.00  S-mount			Screw M12x0.5mm				      T2 mount		M42x0.75			  55.00 Topcon IC1		bayonet				  55.00   Voigtlander Bessamatic					  44.70 Voigtlander Ultramatic					  44.70 Voigtlander Vitessa-T					  44.70   Wrayflex		M41.2 x 26tpi			  42.05   Zeiss Ikon Flektoskop/F'meter				  84.50  (119.35 total) Zeiss Ikon Panflex					  64.50	  (99.35 total) Zenith 3M		M39x1 thread			  45.46 Zenit 80		multi start thread		  74.10

Abbreviations used here and in other literature

tpi = threads per inch 
M = metric thread
Register = distance flange to film plane
BM = Bayonet Mount
TM = Thread Mount
RMS = Royal Microscopic Screw

Need diameters of a lens mount too? You might find the right information here:


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