My boss sent me flowers… 😍thank you @unive #tulips #spring @bloompost.nl #asserstadsfotograaf

by johanniels.com
Foto’s gemaakt door Johan Niels Kuiper, Asser Stadsfotograaf.
De waan van de dag laat ik graag aan anderen over. Vanuit een eigen visie werk ik aan beelden van Assen en omstreken. En als ik reis, gaat mijn camera mee.
Voor copyright-bepalingen, klik hier: Copyright Nederlands
My son Jonah is in that sweater. This was summer 2013. Film was Rollei Retro 100, in a Leica III.
Sometimes you just see a good shot happening right in front of you when you turn around in a supermarket parking lot.
dailyshooter #leicaiiic #leicajupiter #jupiter85mmf2 with #carlzeissjena glass #kodaktmax400 #asserstadsfotograaf
Trying to make up my mind on how to finish the bare wood on my latest camera restauration. The big 5×7 and the blackfaced sliding box camera are already done. The latest 4×5” will share lenses with the 5×7” and it will have a similar frame to fit the lens boards into, but what color scheme would suit it best, and should I trim the sides of the sliding board? I need a drink!
#4x5camera #4x5photography #largeformatphotography #largeformatcamera #camerarestauration #asserstadsfotograaf #tomatinwhisky
analoglives #analoglifestyle #asserstadsfotograaf #merrychristmas #besafeeveryone
Got an old Philips medium wave radio and need to figure out what antenna to use for some decent reception. There’s still some international radio to be heard over the air waves!
The Pentax 6×7 is about 35 years old, half the age of the radio… Me, I fit in between nicely…
largeformat #largeformatcamera #5x7camera #13x18camera #leica #ishootfilmbutnotnow #camerarestoration @rodenstock_official apo-gerogon-s 270mm #asserstadsfotograaf
Little Leica I (post 1955 converted to a II) taking a piggyback ride on my 18x24cm camera which will be fitted with a 5×7 inch back soon.
Although they are nothing alike, I love them both.
Added the #leicaiiic in the picture for size. These filmholders need #restoration and I’m spending the day taking them apart where necessay, to glue them and refit missing screws. Next they will have insides of hinges done with #blackpaint and outsides taped. Last, a coat of clear wax or oil to maken them shine again.
5×7 #5x7film #5x7photography #filmis notdead #filmlives #largeformat #largeformatphotography #asserstadsfotograaf